Post by ShayMay on May 31, 2013 21:17:34 GMT
Hey folks, in light of people asking about applying for an artist position on the comic, here's the basic procedure. Couple of pointers: - Style isn't a particular issue. STC has always had a diverse set of styles, and so long as it's relatively close to the Sonic style and the characters are instantly recognisable (one eye for Sonic, bodies at least slightly larger than their heads, etc.) there won't be any problems. Please don't submit anthro art or any wild variations on the style: it has to maintain style alongside a group of other artists. Basically, we'll be fine with anything within reason.
- The more complete your art is, the better. If you can get your work pencilled, inked, and coloured with no extra hands then that's ideal, but if you can only do black and whites you should be okay. Adamis' work is usually coloured by someone else, and we all know how well that turns out. We would, however, encourage you to at least be able to ink your own work.
- We will need to see an example of sequential work (see below). Drawing dynamic characters with a diverse range of expressions and poses will really help your case, as will vibrant, detailed backgrounds.
If you have a sample of your own sequential (comic) work, that would be ideal as it would allow us to be able to decide on the spot. If you don't have a sample, send Megadroid an example of your non-sequential art and he will e-mail you back a sample script. This script is three pages, and will not be printed in the comic. It's just to give us an idea of your abilities. Megadroid's e-mail is: megadroid@stconline.co.uk If you send him a sample, it would probably be best to leave a note in this thread to let us know. He's terrible at checking his e-mail, you see. That's about the sum of it. Best of luck, and happy drawing!
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Post by TheFatPanda on May 31, 2013 21:41:17 GMT
I'll be doing that. But I'm worried that my dA page doesn't really have enough material yet. Adamis mentioned that I should provide character sheets with the expressions and all that stuff (he even kindly offered to show my stuff to you guys). Again, be doin' that asap EDIT: Aaaaaand sent.
Post by Mambo's Here! Look Busy! on May 31, 2013 22:01:42 GMT
Neat, although I'm surprised this has been posted in public. I thought the comic was all done behind closed doors including artist recruitment. Thanks, guys for sharing these rules and guidelines. I guess I'd like to try and do a few smaller things like posters and what not, as I'd really like to contribute but I also don't think I'm good enough to do a strip. (I realise these things take time, a good idea for page design, leaving space for speech bubbles and what not...) What's the procedure for smaller projects like that? The same? Send a sexy cool looking pose to Megadroid? :B
Post by Matt on May 31, 2013 22:19:24 GMT
Neat, although I'm surprised this has been posted in public. I thought the comic was all done behind closed doors including artist recruitment. Thanks, guys for sharing these rules and guidelines. I guess I'd like to try and do a few smaller things like posters and what not, as I'd really like to contribute but I also don't think I'm good enough to do a strip. (I realise these things take time, a good idea for page design, leaving space for speech bubbles and what not...) What's the procedure for smaller projects like that? The same? Send a sexy cool looking pose to Megadroid? :B I have to say I was recruited through the super secret means, Ed approached me, in fact it was so super secret that I think Charles latter approached me not knowing ed had already approached me. but Mambo it's about time we get to see you in the hallowed hall of the humes, it may be worth taking ago at the sample script even if you end up only doing covers and pinup's practising story telling though sequential art really helps improve your one shot poses. Plus I'd love to colour some of your stuff for the comic
Post by ShayMay on May 31, 2013 22:27:40 GMT
I managed to get my stuff through with a bit of luck. I initially applied for script-writing to Charles, and chatted to Stiv fairly often through MSN and the old chat room. A couple of months later he became editor and I was basically like "you know how we're best pals..?" And yeah, nah, this thread's basically just so that if anyone asks we can link it and go "there you are", rather than type out the procedure again. Mambo, I don't think it should be any different so long as you let us know you're not really attempting strips for the moment.
Post by Chigs! on Jun 1, 2013 7:21:34 GMT
I'd suggest the powers that be make this a stiky - I see no harm in being a bit more public in our recruitment drive - it never hurts to have more artists on the books!
Post by Mambo's Here! Look Busy! on Jun 1, 2013 14:26:06 GMT
Thankies for the kind words, guys. : Hmm, I could have a go at the script test, just to see what I could do, but yeah I guess I could do a mock cover or wallpaper or something and send that to Meggydwoid. Plus I'd love to colour some of your stuff for the comic Y.. you want to colour my stuff? Really?! :3
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Post by TheMobian on Jun 1, 2013 17:28:21 GMT
Thanks again for all the info ShayMay! This is super helpful! =D I am most glad about StC not having an issue with style, because as some of you have seen, my style tends to be quite.... unique... when it comes down to it, and I was worried that this would greatly hinder my chances at ever drawing a story for StCO. (Now here's to hoping my style is, hehe, within reason XP ). I actually have a set of about seven pages that I did recently for another project that I am planning on submitting as my application to StCO, and I was wondering... Will I need to include the original script (written by someone else) along with the pages in my application? Send a sexy cool looking pose to Megadroid? :B AWWWWWWWWW YEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!
Post by ShayMay on Jun 1, 2013 18:51:55 GMT
Your style is fine - it's instantly recognisable as Sonic even if it doesn't adhere 100% to the Sega style - but then, none of us on the team do, really. I actually have a set of about seven pages that I did recently for another project that I am planning on submitting as my application to StCO, and I was wondering... Will I need to include the original script (written by someone else) along with the pages in my application? It certainly couldn't hurt - it'll show us how well you stick to scripts and the like. That said, if the writer is uncomfortable it's not a necessity.
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Post by TheMobian on Jun 2, 2013 0:02:31 GMT
Your style is fine - it's instantly recognisable as Sonic even if it doesn't adhere 100% to the Sega style - but then, none of us on the team do, really. Lol, yeah, but thats what I love about this comic, and the whole Sonic fandom for that matter. Variety of Styles is always great fun to look at, especially if the style lends itself well to the story being told =) I actually have a set of about seven pages that I did recently for another project that I am planning on submitting as my application to StCO, and I was wondering... Will I need to include the original script (written by someone else) along with the pages in my application? I'll be sure to check with my friend on that then That being said though, considering the comic I helped work on hasn't even been released yet, He may not be to keen on letting me throw the script out before the comic has even been put online yet, but I'll have to just wait and see =) Thanks again for all the help! It was all very....... helpful. XP
Post by The KKM on Jun 2, 2013 12:53:42 GMT
Is it still the same 3-page script from way back then? I think I have that somewhere, even did a nice design for it. Maybe it's time I unrust it...
Post by modochi on Jun 2, 2013 15:01:07 GMT
Not sure if I should apply, I don't feel like I'm good enough to fill out any position.
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Post by TheMobian on Jun 2, 2013 15:53:05 GMT
Not sure if I should apply, I don't feel like I'm good enough to fill out any position. It never hurts to try and find out. I say go for it, and if you don't make it, then oh well, you can just keep working at getting better till you do Then again, you should keep working at getting better anyway even if you do make it ;D ~"Hi-ho-he! An Artists life for meeeeeee!"~;P
Post by modochi on Jun 2, 2013 16:22:01 GMT
Not sure if I should apply, I don't feel like I'm good enough to fill out any position. It never hurts to try and find out. I say go for it, and if you don't make it, then oh well, you can just keep working at getting better till you do Then again, you should keep working at getting better anyway even if you do make it ;D ~"Hi-ho-he! An Artists life for meeeeeee!"~;P You're right I'll try it. At least I'll have a bigger chance here then I have at winning that sweep stakes contest I entered. Doesn't help much that I have zero idea what to do if I actually win the vacation money, I can't think of anywhere I'd like to go on planet earth.
Post by modochi on Jun 2, 2013 16:31:30 GMT
And done, sent in my application.
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Post by TheMobian on Jun 5, 2013 5:29:40 GMT
aaaand now I am done as well. My application is sent and away! Thank you once again for posting all this information ShayMay, I cannot express how happy it makes me just to have finally sent something off to StCO =) Hopefully I'll get a reply from Megadroid soon ^_^ Thanks again ya'll! And good luck to everyone else sending in applications! I hope you all make it!
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Post by Prowler on Jun 25, 2013 21:09:25 GMT
I'd love to contribute, but I don't know how to do a clean scan of my work - I make loads of mistakes, pencil rub-marks from my hands, etc. I've never really known how people make the lines so clear without making a mess of it.
Post by Fools in Miru on Jun 27, 2013 1:25:29 GMT
I'd like to join as a artist. My art is overall very cute looking normally, but has an "early Digimon" feel when it needs to be dark.
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Post by TheFatPanda on Jun 27, 2013 17:18:02 GMT
I don't suppose anybody has heard back yet have they?
Post by ShayMay on Jun 27, 2013 17:34:40 GMT
I don't suppose anybody has heard back yet have they? ...You should have done? Give me a second, I'll go and MegadroidWrangle.
Post by modochi on Jun 27, 2013 20:50:22 GMT
I don't suppose anybody has heard back yet have they? If I have, it's most likely been killed by the insane junk filter outlook/Hotmail has since I forgot to add the address to my safe list. I'd use Gmail but that's been unable to send emails out for weeks now.
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Post by TheMobian on Jul 8, 2013 21:47:58 GMT
Hey folks, in light of people asking about applying for an artist position on the comic, here's the basic procedure. If you send him a sample, it would probably be best to leave a note in this thread to let us know. He's terrible at checking his e-mail, you see. No kidding XP I only just got a reply now after sending my samples in like... more than a month ago maybe? XD Oh well, I'm not complaining Now time to go work on that sample script >:3
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Post by TheFatPanda on Jul 10, 2013 18:06:56 GMT
I've been told by a certain someone to expect a response in my inbox, but I still haven't seen any sign of it...
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Post by andy on Jul 31, 2013 17:33:52 GMT
Just sent MD a missive.
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Post by AoNoChaos on Sept 26, 2013 0:54:19 GMT
I do hope this is still a current offer! I'd love to try and be on the team and shall put together some examples as soon as I can